
Friday, March 4, 2011


 Bones, no not the tv show, but actual bones. Ezekiel 37 is a weird but beautiful story about the God we serve, how He can take something dry, brittle, DEAD and give it living, breathing, LIFE. Not just back in Ezekiel's day, but now, right now, this very moment, He can do what He did then:
Jesus Christ is the same today,
yesterday, and forever.
Hebrews 13:8

I came across this text because I was leading a Dnow a few weekends ago. I have heard of this story, but never really dug down deep, and actually read it. I would like to share with yall what the Lord opened my eyes to and how He used this Dnow to show me a new character about Himself!

Ezekiel was a prophet and was told to tell the destruction that was coming, but also to tell of the restoration that was coming through the Lord.

The first thing the Lord asks Ezekiel is "Can these bones live?" (v. 3) And to the normal person, we would definitely say, "No. Bones are DEAD. That's why they are bones." Bones are remains of something dead. But the amazing thing is, that what we see isn't what the Lord sees. When we see something dead, or when the world tells us something is a certain way, the Lord has a totally different view of what it really is and how it is to Him:

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts
neither are your ways My ways,"
declares the Lord.
As the heavens are higher than the earth
so are my ways higher than you ways 
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9

So when the world tells you one thing, and you believe another thing, the Lord doesn't think that way. He is the Creator of the Universe and HIS thoughts of YOU are what matter the most. When the world tells you that you are just "dead bones" the Lord sees a totally different picture (I will explain more later :) ) 

Ezekiel replies, "Oh Lord, you know." The study that I used described it as Ezekiel not trying to answer such a huge topic with his own knowledge but to acknowledge that the Lord knows all things, even when we can't understand them. I'm glad that I can intrust my past and future to the LORD, who holds all things together, and who works things together for my good.

The next thing you know is Ezekiel is prophesying to the bones by the command of the Lord and the bones begin to come together piece by piece, tendon by tendon, and before you know it there is a "great army" as the passage tells us. But before the there can be a great army, they are just bones, with tendons, muscles, etc, so the Lord asks Ezekiel to breathe life into them through His power. And then there is a great army.
     This is how our lives are before Christ. I see it as , yes God gave us physical life, but without Him breathing HIS LIFE into our bones, our flesh, our entire being , we are just a bunch of bones with muscles, and tendons. But once God breathes His life into us, watch out, we can be a great army too. And all of this is so, "That you may know that [HE is] the Lord." It is all for His glory and so that HIS name will be known in our new lives.

So to continue, there were bones, then bones with tendons, and now living breathing people. Now these aren't just random people. These were the people that had died a long time ago due to the destruction that happened. These were Israelites, as the study I used, it said, that some of these people were probably people the Ezekiel knew. He saw them brought back to life. I love what the Lord says when the people are brought back to life:

Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say,
'Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.' Therefore prophesy
and say to them; 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: My people, I
am going to open your graves and bring you up from them;
I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, My people,
will know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and bring you up from them.
I will put my Spirit in you and YOU WILL LIVE, and I will settle you in your own land.
Then you will know that I the LORD have spoken, and I have done it,
declares the LORD.' "
Ezekiel 37: 11-14 (NIV)

My heart rejoices reading this! I think about how this is the story of our lives! We lose hope, and think we are a lost cause, I mean after all, our sin leaves us DEAD and HOPELESS. We think there is no hope and the enemy loves to hold us in our grave and remind us of that, but remember, the LORD doesn't work that way. When the enemy says we are dead, the Lord DECLARES that we are alive by His power and by the precious blood of Jesus we are called His children.  He calls us HIS PEOPLE. OH how my soul loves to hear that phrase. WE ARE HIS PEOPLE! HE loves us! He picks us up from the grave breathes Life into us and declares us alive and fully capable of being who He made us to be. We think we can't be put back together because we are a lost cause, but HE IS THE HEALER. I love this song by Watermark, called Mended and the chorus/verse says:

You've got all things suspended
All things connected
Nothing was forgotten
'Cause Your Love is Perfect.
You are our Healer
and You know what's broken
and we're not a mystery to You.

We will dance because You restore the wasted years and
You will sing over all our coming fears and
We'll stand grateful for all that has been left behind and all that goes before us.

Lord You mend the breech
and You break every fetter
You give us Your best, but what we thought was better
And You are to be praised.

When you lose hope in these hard days, take heart and be reminded that the LORD loves to give us hope, and He loves to mend things back together. Just remember the picture of Him mending the bones and tendons back together. The world cannot and will not ever offer the Hope that the Lord Jesus has for us. 

We must remember that this all because of the compassion God has on us. We must know that it is HE who works all things together for out good! No matter where we come from, what we've done, what we've said, HE LOVES US. I heard this story this week and it is so true:
                 Suppose I offered you a $100 bill. Would you take it?
             Well, wait, what if I crumbled it up? Tore it in half? Crumbled it again, stomped on it with my foot? You would probally still want it because it doesn't diminish the value of that $100 bill does it? 
    The same is with your life. No matter what has happened to you, or what you've done in your past (or what might happen in the future) God doesn't see what men see. He see's your heart, and wants you to see how He sees you. YOU ARE VALUABLE TO HIM. That is why we can't listen to the world and what it tells us is valuable, again, who the LORD says you are is what matters!


Remember who we serve: A Faithful God. When He said He would call us out of the grave and give us life, HE MEANS IT.

The One who calls you is Faithful,
and He will do it.
-1 Thessalonians 5:24

I hope this has encouraged you today. It isn't about me, but this is what the Lord has put on my heart. And when He fills my cup up, it must overflow into the lives of those around me. Why not share this promise from His word? :) I hope yall have a great week. Blessings!

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